I'm having a Great Big Cargo Bike Sale! Only two ex-demo Riese & Muller cargo bikes left at big discounts.

Soulcraft Repair

This was a lovely handmade Soulcraft frame, which had an unfortunate high-speed incident with a bench – the rider also lost a couple of teeth, but he was probably more upset about the damage to his bike!


So I made a new headtube and downtube, and fillet brazed them in.



Repainted, and it’s as good as new!


Repairing a dented headtube


Not a pretty sight – a lovely Rivendell-made Saluki frame with a big dent in the head tube. Fixed it with a special expanding tool inside the head tube and some careful hammering on the outside, now good as new without having to replace the tube.


With a new paint job, it looks gorgeous:
