I'm having a Great Big Cargo Bike Sale! Only two ex-demo Riese & Muller cargo bikes left at big discounts.

Recumbent Brompton

This is another prototype built for the Brazin’ Handmade Bike Show – and it really is a Recumbent Brompton that folds and stays together in one package!

It’s interesting to ride as it has front wheel drive like the Cruzbike or Flevo recumbents, but with a little practice it’s not hard to master. Obviously it’s not going to be as good at long distances as a proper recumbent like a HP Streetmachine or Grasshopper, but that’s not what it is for.

This, with some more development, will be a kit that you can add to your own Brompton – there’s no modification needed to the mainframe, it just replaces the front fork. Watch this space…